Cute, cuddly, and curious, the Cat.
Pet owners usually fall into two categories: Dog People and Cat People. And while both make great companions, cat ownership has certain benefits that stand out. Yes, we know they are picky, feisty, and generally aloof, but on the same token, cats can be wonderful companions.
- Quiet
Well, most of the time- cats do make noise. Some cats meow whenever they want something, and some meows can be loud. Cats meow to communicate with people – to say hello, ask for things, and tell us if something is wrong. Some cats may be extra vocal, but chances are unlikely you'll receive a noise complaint due to a cat compared to what you might encounter with a dog. Cats are content sleeping all day and getting up for the occasional food snack.
- Low-maintenance
Cats are small. They only require a little space. They don't need to go for walks or go outside. They clean themselves. Cats are low maintenance compared to other pets. They need fresh water, food, and a clean litter space. This also makes them great for apartment living.
- Independent
Independence and cats go hand-in-hand and are deeply rooted. Unlike dogs, cats are solitary predators. Though they may seem like they would prefer to be alone, most cats enjoy the company of their favorite human. They can spend hours snuggled up beside you while periodically glancing up with an adoring face.
- Long Lifespan
It's been said that cats have nine lives, and it often feels that way when we watch them jump from a high ledge or squeeze into tiny spaces. Diet, healthcare, and the environment can impact how long a cat can live.
- Cost Less than Dogs
Veterinary costs tend to be less expensive with cats. Cats require fewer food, toys, and supplies compared to dogs. So, a cat would be a great companion if you're into saving money.
- Entertaining
For the same reasons cats annoy us, they also entertain us. Cats make their own rules. Cats also hide in the strangest places. They will curl up to sleep in any spot left unattended, such as a closet, cupboard, or dresser drawer. They can spend hours chasing a laser light or a toy mouse, pouncing, flipping, jumping, and twisting to get the toy, which can be most entertaining.
Last but not least, there are many cats, from colors to short and long hair to almost no hair. If a cat is the pet you're looking for, you should have no trouble finding one that suits you.